25-26 November 2021
Africa/Luanda timezone

IoT Honeypot Deployment collaborative effort between CEDIA, the NREN of

25 Nov 2021, 13:55


I'm Ernesto Pérez from CSIRT CEDIA, the NREN of Ecuador.

Proposal *

We are very interested in making a 20 minutes presentation regarding the
IoT Honeypot Deployment collaborative effort between CEDIA, the NREN of
Ecuador and ShadowServer
and how can we work to extend the deployment
to more African countries.

This is a joint initiative by CEDIA and The Shadowserver Foundation that
deployed a large-scale honeypot sensor network in Latin America and the
Caribbean, building upon the technology developed by Shadowserver for
automating honeypot deployments and CEDIA’s CSIRT expertise.

The data produced is being shared with 21 national CSIRTs and 235
network owners in the region, as well as with a total 109 national
CSIRTs and 5,000+ network owners worldwide via Shadowserver’s daily
remediation feeds.

The project is utilizing existing open source IoT related honeypots
deployed on a large scale using Shadowserver’s framework.

At the moment 44 sensors are deployed in 17 countries in Latin America
and 1 in Africa and we expect to the end of the year to increase this
base to at least 6 more sensors.

Presentation Materials